
The Grundfos AP submersible waste-water pumps are designed for the transfer and drainage of heavily polluted liquids. Typical
applications include sump or septic tank drainage, groundwater removal, site de-watering and industrial effluent transfer and
all pumps are suitable for both permanent and portable installations.
Three popular models each of similar capacity though with different free passage capability, pump choice being determined by
the quality of the pumped water. Special features include high-quality stainless steel construction throughout, and vortex hydraulics for the AP35 & 50 models carefully designed to minimize clogging problems. The pumps are lightweight with design features
to provide reliability and powerful pumping performance.
All models are provided with level switches for automatic pump operation as well as a 10m of neoprene cable as standard.

Pumps are provided with an integral asynchronous motor of the canned rotor type with a liquid-filled rotor chamber. All motors
are provided with a thermal cutout to protect against overload and can be connected directly to the mains supply through a 10
Amp fuse and the use of an earth leakage circuit breaker (ELCB) with a nominal trip current of >30mA is recommended.
Enclosure Class: IP68 Insulation Class: F Voltage: 1x240V Speed: 2800 rpm

Pumped liquid: Chemically non-aggressive liquids with a pH range 4-10 containing impuriƟes up to
the pump’s designed free passage size. (drainage applications 12, Effluent -35mm, DomesƟc
sewage 50mm)
Fluid Temperature Range: 0C to +55C
Max. InstallaƟon Depth: 10m below the water surface.


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